En el Museo de la Charrería se exhibe una imponente escultura de un águila de bronce, premio otorgado al primer lugar por equipos del Campeonato Nacional con motivo del LXXXV Aniversario de la Federación Mexicana de Charrería. Este evento se celebró del 27 de febrero al 3 de marzo de 2019 en la Villa Charra de Toluca “Carlos Hank González”, en Toluca, Estado de México.
El águila, símbolo nacional de México, tiene profundas raíces en la historia y cultura del país. Esta ave majestuosa, que aparece en el escudo nacional posada sobre un nopal y devorando una serpiente, es un emblema de fuerza, valentía y libertad. Esta iconografía se remonta a la leyenda azteca de la fundación de Tenochtitlán, donde se decía que los dioses indicaron a los mexicas que establecerían su ciudad donde encontraran un águila en dicha posición.
The Tradition of the Trophies in the Mexican Federation of Charrería
The Mexican Charreria Federation has a long tradition of awarding sculptural art as trophies to honor the winners of its competitions. These trophies not only represent sporting success, but also the cultural and artistic richness of Mexico. The charro associations greatly value these awards, which often decorate the main halls of their headquarters, becoming symbols of pride and honor.
Trophy Elaboration Process
The creation of an artistic trophy such as the bronze eagle begins with a conceptual drawing of the piece, where the initial ideas are captured and the details of the design are defined. This is followed by clay carving, a crucial stage where the artist models and perfects the sculpture. Once the clay model is finished, a positive mold is created to make a wax mold. This wax mold is coated with a refractory material to form an outer mold. When the mold is heated, the wax melts and empties, leaving a hollow space. The molten bronze is then poured into the mold to occupy that space. Once cooled and solidified, the mold is broken to release the bronze piece, which is finally polished and given the finishing touches to reveal all the desired finishes. The result is a work of art that not only rewards the effort and dedication of the charros, but also celebrates the culture and art of Mexico.
This bronze eagle sculpture is not only an award, but a symbol of the rich tradition and competitive spirit of charreria, perpetuating Mexico's cultural and artistic legacy in every competition and every victory.